Find, add and change customer information easily and quickly. Highly integrated with all functions.
Better service to customers
Merge duplicate customer locations which updates the data base as if the locations were entered correctly.
Establish parent relationships to link divisions or multiple locations together with the corporate. Also works well for gOvernment and educational institutions.
Use alternate addresses for differentiating between a person's mailing address (might be a PO) and his/her shipping address (street address). ARC/400 will always use the appropriate address.
More productive staff
Powerful Customer Search
Locate customers by any word within the organization's name, by any contact's last name, by partial telephone number, by partial zip code, by city, by state or by organization type. Produces informative list of potential customer matches with hot keys to next logical step.
System also tracks Parent company relationships and Sold/Bill/Ship cross references. You easily search to find one customer and display all these related relationships as well.
Parent Locations (headquarters, corporate offices, universities, military organizations)
Associate groups of locations with a parent location and children locations. ARC/400 has utilities for easily associating organizations such as IBM corporate with all the IBM divisions and field locations.
Multiple Contact Addresses
Alternate addresses are useful if a person's mailing and shipping address are different (e.g. mailing to a PO Box). Some companies use the zip plus codes for campus mail sorting so ARC/400 allows zip plus uniqueness for each contact.
In all, any location can be given two addresses and each contact can have an additional two addresses. Maximum flexibility for exactly the right result for the customer.
Customer Display, Entry and Maintenance modes
Customer information can be displayed, entered or changed based upon the needs and authority of the user.
Maintain permanent notes
Keep permanent notes about customers and contacts such as shipping instructions, spouse name, birthdays, or credit warnings.
Multiple phone numbers
Keep general numbers for the organization and personal numbers for contacts. Keep work, fax, home, car, computer, voice mail and other numbers for every contact.
Multiple contacts per organization
Two level customer data bases mean entering customer location information once and adding as many contacts per location as is necessary. System tracks both organizations and contacts independently.
Unlimited User Defined Fields
Add customer information using the ARC/400 TAG feature which allows you to define a context (field) and attach one or more values to the context. For example, add a context of Interest Areas. Then, add the list of interest areas to the contact to be used in marketing and sales activities.
Order Entry Defaults
Specify order entry defaults such as the preferred shipping method, a price list (eg GSA pricing), or a standard customer discount percentage.
Information automatically tracked and maintained for customers and contacts
Sales Rank Percentile; Last Order Date; First Order Date; On-File Since Date; Last Call Date; SIC Code; Customer Status; Source of Lead; Last Invoice Date; Open Order Balance, AR Balance, and more!