Everything needed for the control of cash and the collection of receivable. Tightly integrated with all other system functions giving the user information to do his/her job. Controls and reporting virtually eliminate mistakes.
Batch controls used for cash and adjustment entry.
Spread cash Over multiple invoices and adjust for any discounts at the same time.
All credit memos are automatically posted
Aging report can be created for current for past period. Other options include summary vs. detail and due date calculation methods.
Fast and accurate. Like everything else in the ARC/400 system.
Cash and Adjustments Entry
Enter cash and adjustments by batch with required balancing controls. Supports cash discounts, maximum discount controls, cash on account, and G/L adjustment coding.
A/R Search
Locate AR accounts by invoice number, date range, customer PO #, Sold-To customer, Bill-To customer or order number. Display either open or all transactions in Summary or Detail mode.
AR Batch Search and Display
Locate open or closed AR batches by control number, date, or type of batch. Print or re-print batch transaction journals at any time.
AR Batch Control
Control AR cash and/or adjustment batches by system generated control number until batch is closed. Print batch details at any time.
AR Aging Reporting
Aging report in either detail or summary modes using either due dates or invoice dates for aging. Specify "as-of" date for past period aging.
Control Credit and Other Order Holds
Orders placed on hold are displayed along with the ability for multiple inquiries to assist in the credit approval decision.
AR Dunning
Up to three levels of letters are automatically sent to customers with Overdue invoices.
Check Number Search
Searching for invoices paid by a particular check number or a portion of the check number.
Sales Assignment Changes
Credit for a particular line or entire invoice can be changed from one rep to another to correct an incorrect sales assignment.
Search AR by Check Number
New search by check number finds misapplied or lost payments.
Sophisticated statements based upon four weekly statement cycles. All done automatically. Variety of controls such as: print zero balances?? print credit balances?? print closed items one extra cycle?? Minimum balance to print?? Summary or detail. Etc.
Credit Management Statistics
Statistics show the credit worthiness of current customers based upon history. How fast do they pay?? How often do they pay 30 days late?? 60 days late?? 90 days late?? Average days late?? Number of invoices, credits, adjustments. Current aging. This information is used to make better credit decisions by the Credit Manager.
Correct Invoiced Sales Assignments
Correct sales assignments after the fact. Re-run reports for accurate and new reporting.
On-Account Balance Management
Track on-account balances that will eventually need to be applied.
Small Balance Management
Track small balances that may be candidates for write-off. This is in addition to the ability to enter terms discounts at cash entry time.
Fast Cash Entry
Enter cash directly to an invoice. Or you can do a search to find the correct invoice or group of invoices to be credited.
Correct Cash Entry Mistakes Easily
Change cash entries very easily when an entry mistake is made. No need for complex adjustment entries which just make the customer confused.
Collection Call Queues
Automatically create call queues for past due receivables based upon your selection criteria. You never again have to use the aging report for this purpose. Your people use the contact management system to make the calls
Finance Charges
ARC/400 can optionally create finance charges for all, some or one of your customers who do not meet certain payment schedules.